讲座主题: 老龄化与少子化对经济发展的影响
主讲嘉宾:殷婷 (职称:研究员、博士生导师)
单 位:日本经济产业省经济产业研究所
时 间:2024年6月23日(周日)上午10:30
地 点:我学院402会议室
摘要:In recent decades, Japan has experienced significant aging and declining birth rates. These demographic changes have had profound impacts on economic development and social welfare. An aging society is characterized by an increasing proportion of the population over the age of 65, which leads to a reduction in the workforce and a decline in productivity. Simultaneously, the trend of declining birth rates results in a decreasing supply of young labor. These two trends interact, further exacerbating the economic and social challenges faced by Japanese society. This talk will discuss the impacts of an aging and declining birth rate society on economic development and national welfare, drawing from Japan's experience.
嘉宾简介:殷婷, 现任日本经济产业省经济产业研究所研究员,经济产业省政策顾问,一桥大学经济研究所兼职研究员,东京学艺大学特任副教授。2012年获得日本国大阪大学应用经济学博士学位。研究兴趣包括家庭经济学,劳动经济学,少子老龄化,医疗健康以及社会保障等,其成果发表在China Economic Review, Journal of Women & Aging, Asian Economic Journal等著名经济学刊物上。